
# When? Question Answer
1 1 year, 9 months ago General

Frozen time

- During the last 60 minutes the standings is no longer updated, although each team continues receiving the judgements to their submissions.
- The final results (including the verdicts during the frozen time) will be revealed 30 minutes after de contest ends.

2 1 year, 9 months ago C - Computing Near-Death Experience

The solution must exact?, I mean, is it missing at the output specifications "The solution would not change if the points were moved 10^-6 in every direction" or something like that?

Great problemset :)

Yes, you can assume that the solution won't change if the points are moved 10^-6 units in any direction.

3 1 year, 9 months ago G - Go Kill the Monsters

should the result of m/2 be truncate or round?

The |_ x _| mathematical notation means floor of x.

4 1 year, 9 months ago L - Luminaries

Clarification(s) on Problem L

- Output is guaranteed to fit in 64-bit integers.

5 1 year, 9 months ago J - Join the Game

Clarification(s) on Problem J

- The output of the second test case should include a blank line; this does not appear on the printed version of the problemset, but it does appear correctly on MOG.

6 1 year, 9 months ago K - Keyboard Patterns

Clarification(s) on Problem K

- The output for the last sample test case output is incorrect. Correct output is on MOG.
- Added rule: “To go to the next key in the pattern, the user MUST slide his finger in a straight line”.
- Added to Hint: “In the fourth example, if the user wants to go from key 1 to key 3, he must go in a straight line passing through key 2, therefore the pattern 1→3→2 is impossible to achieve”.

7 1 year, 9 months ago E - Enjoy the Chat Group

Clarification(s) on Problem E

- The array of the third sample case should be sorted. On the printed version of the statement it is not, the correct version of this sample is on MOG.

8 1 year, 9 months ago A - Again? Solving Queries?

Clarification(s) on Problem A

It is guaranteed that all input elements are integers.

9 1 year, 9 months ago General

General clarifications

- Notice that there might be different time limits per language. Check the time limit hovering the click over (details) next to the Languages section on each problem.
- It is recommended to use fast I/O to read the input and print the output.
- During the real competition if the question (request for clarifications) can be answered by re-reading the statement the response will be "No Comments".