
# When? Question Answer
1 4 months, 1 week ago B - Bespoke Shuffle

General announcement

There was a mistake in the statement and test cases for problem B: The period $P$ is upto $10^6$ (not $10^4$). The statement in the PDF does not have this error.

This error was fixed and all submissions were rejudged.

2 4 months, 1 week ago C - Connecting Modules

General annoucement

If a streaming node is connected directly (self-loop) or indirectly to itself, it must be taken into account in the answer.

3 4 months, 1 week ago A - Accidental Command

Is it required that after splitting the command typed, the two substrings are valid?

No. At least one must be valid. The other may be invalid.

4 4 months, 1 week ago B - Bespoke Shuffle

Shift: A certain number of cards are removed from the bottom of the deck and placed on top in the same order.
What "the same order" means?

Shift will remove a section of the deck from the bottom and move it onto the top. The first card from that section will become the top (first) card of the deck.

5 4 months, 1 week ago C - Connecting Modules

if a module can send a message to itself should i count it?


6 4 months, 1 week ago A - Accidental Command

How to know if the input commands are valid commands

All commands in the input list (and only those) are valid commands.

7 4 months, 1 week ago H - Hurry Chinchilla!

what does it mean to "getting closer to the destination"?

This means that the packet moved in a way that does not decrease its shortest distance to the destination router.

8 4 months, 1 week ago D - Dance Dance Daisy

General announcement

Problem statement has been updated. Added sentence 'A configuration is only valid if it uses exactly 100 arrows '

9 4 months, 1 week ago D - Dance Dance Daisy

How is "highest-scoring arrows" defined as?

The statement has been updated with the following sentence: 'Specifically, she will prioritize maximizing the number of Perfect arrows first, followed by Great arrows, and so on.'

10 4 months, 1 week ago G - Ghost in the SecuriTree

Que significas Lowest label en el problema?, que define el label?

Label refers to the index of the node.

11 4 months, 1 week ago A - Accidental Command

could both commands be the same? for example "zipzip"


12 4 months, 1 week ago E - Einstein’s Riddle

What is the next one house of person that lives in house 5? Or it haven't next?

In this problem the clues of the form `lives next to the one who` mean that the two properties refer to two different persons that lives side by side, in neighboring houses. They could live in houses 1 and 2, or 2 and 1, or 4 and 5 among others. Notice that houses 1 and 5 are not neighbors.